Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, and D & C...

Honestly, I was not nervous for this procedure AT ALL! I really just wanted to get it over with and move forward. 

But first, let's rewind to Friday, November 8.
 I drove to the clinic by myself after work that day. My super sweet nurse, Frannie, sat down with me to explain my procedure. I signed paperwork, got registered with the hospital, and got my blood work done. (Secretly hoping my beta would come back positive!) 
On my way out of the hospital, I stopped by the A-MAZ-ING gift shop and bought this little cutie! 

Our Future Baby's very first stuffed animal! On the tag I wrote "To: Baby L 
From: Mama & Daddy" I can't wait until our baby can play, sleep, and snuggle with it!

That night, Josh and I went to a concert at The Hard Rock with some friends. We had a blast! The rest of our weekend consisted of watching Alabama beat LSU on Saturday, eating a yummy dinner at Logan's on Sunday, and buying a cute new pair of fall/winter boots! I love them! 

(This is just the pic I snapped to send to my sister-in-law.) 

On Monday morning I woke up super early, even though my procedure wasn't until 12:30! I think I was just anxious to get it over with. At this point I was pretty much starving since I couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight the night before. 
We had to be at the hospital 2 hours before the procedure so we left our house around 9:30. (It takes a good 45-60 minutes from where we live, depending on the traffic.)
We arrived on time, I signed in, and we waited. 
I finally got called back and the nurse did all the normal nurse-y stuff. She weighed me (I lost 2 lbs!,) took my BP, and temp. Then she took me to my bed in pre-op. I felt SO weird getting undressed behind that thin curtain. I felt like anyone could just come and unopen it while I was standing there butt naked! :) Josh got to come back, and at that time, the nurse started my IV in my hand. Since I hadn't had anything to drink my veins were so flat, and when she put that needle in I almost passed out! I felt like I was under water, and it hurt worse than my tattoos! 
Thank God the feeling went away after a few minutes of laying down and deep breathing. It was rough! 

Again, we waited. For another hour! My Doctor eventually came by and let us know that I would be going back in about  10 minutes! 

The anesthesia nurse came to give me my "sleepy cocktail," I kissed Josh goodbye, and off I went! 

I woke up about 2.5 hours (I think) later in post-op. 

My Doctor told Josh that he found a small bit of endometriosis, which he burned off. He also said that everything else looked great! I was so relieved that there wasn't anything too major. I didn't get to talk to him, but I will know more on my follow up visit on the 26th!

I will post another update then. :)

Disclaimer: I'm sorry if none of this makes since. I AM on pain medication at the moment :) 

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